🇬🇧->🇵🇱 Przejdź do polskiej wersji tego wpisu / Go to polish version of this post In previous posts from the smart home series, I described how to set up smart lighting in your home using Shelly products and how to set up your own server with Home Assistant to manage home IoT devices. This way,
🇬🇧->🇵🇱 Przejdź do polskiej wersji tego wpisu / Go to polish version of this post In the previous post, I showed how to create smart lighting in your home from scratch using products from Shelly. In my case, this was the first step in building a smart home system, where I plan to integrate many
🇬🇧->🇵🇱 Przejdź do polskiej wersji tego wpisu / Go to polish version of this post The frequency of posts on this blog is simply shameful. However, I have some really solid arguments to defend myself. The first one is my 2 (and a half!) year-old daughter, and just under six months ago, a second little